Meet the Artist from Across the Pond
Catherine Greenwood
Artist Biography
Catherine Greenwood, Fine artist, Printmaker, embodies the energy and spirit of the landscape and its elements through her release of self into the elements of the environment, capturing them in ink, pen and brush then further interpreting her relationship with the environment through translation into lithograph, Lino prints, woodcut, solar printing and combined expressions of art, print, music and dance.
Printmaking Catherine creates light filled energetic etchings and mono prints based on drawings made on coastal walks and visits to ancient sites. Observing nature and responding to seasonal changes are an important part of her response to walking in natural landscapes.
Catherine's direct experiences range from engaging with the swallows outside her studio, sitting on a frozen pond capturing the reeds and ice, creating environmental art on a river in Maine during a thirty-day environmental education river expedition, and immersing in the landscape and waters of the Isle of Skye during a two week Wildnerness Art Collective Retreat. As a member of the Wilderness Art Collective, Catherine promotes discussion and engagement in the natural world. She flows into the energy of the earth, allowing that to guide her expressions of sharing the depth of love many have for our planet. Her teaching brings groups to locations that provide an opportunity for the students to engage in a resonance with the landscape while her printmaking tutoring and workshops leads participants in developing the technical skills to present their personal experiences in printmaking.
Living in West Sussex, Catherine is creating lithographic prints, , woodprints and Lino cuts at her Green Print Studio, leading Art Walks on the South Downs and teaching Printmaking at Mill Street Etching studio, Suffolk, Putney School of Art, London & independently. She is a Member of Wilderness Art Collective and Salt Edge Arts.
Fine Art KIAD, Foundation Camberwell, London 1986 Foundation at Camberwell school of Art and Degree in fine art KIAD, Kent 1993 First studio was at Brancepeth Castle in Durham, home of artists, poets and musicians.
1994-1997 Artist and Environmental Educator
1998 MA, Maine USA, BA Hons.
1998 Participant, Innovative Research into Contemporary Printmaking materials.
2015?? Printmaking workshop in Japan
2021 Print Fellowship City & Guilds London
2021 Print Tutor Putney Art School.
2022 Isle of Skye, Wilderness Art Collective Residency
In 2000 Catherine received a Year of The Artist award with her community project Body Image which has since featured in publications such as Juno Magazine 2008 and Body Talk 'Whose language? 2019 by Jennifer Patterson. She has exhibited widely, notably at the RA Summer Exhibition 2015, and Tomorrow’s Child exhibition Houses of Parliament 2016 and Woolwich Contemporary Print Fairs 20017-21. During Lockdown 2020 Catherine was part of the curation team, organising and promoting a virtual gallery and events for the 'Wilderness For The Mind' online Exhibition which included 31 artists from the wilderness Art Collective with including live interviews and demonstrations which connected people with nature through a virtual platform during the pandemic. ‘Wavescapes’, is a series of etchings, music and videos, initiated a collaboration with a new minimalist composer Matt Gooderson. The work was created during the Covid Pandemic Lockdown and expressing a longing for the sea combining art and music inspired by the propelling energy found in waves. The album was released in June 2020 available on Bandcamp @playinthesystem, using 'Möbius wave' as its cover. This work featured in Printmaking Today 2021. "Having my work used as a music album cover is a dream come true for me, having the music inspired by my art has taken it into another dimension."